Courage of Change Collective

Courage of Change Collective: Connect
Courage of Change Collective: Community
Courage of Change Collective: Compassion
Courage of Change Collective: Care of Self
Courage of Change Collective: Choose Mind and Heart
Courage of Change Collective: Center Self - Be Present
Courage of Change Collective: Create
Courage of Change Collective: Celebrate

Courage of Change: ConnectCourage of Change: CommunityCourage of Change: CompassionCourage of Change: Care of SelfCourage of Change: Choose Mind and HeartCourage of Change: Center Self - Be PresentCourage of Change: CreateCourage of Change: Celebrate

Courage of Change Collective: Connect
Courage of Change Collective: Connect


One entrepreneur client recently created an “Eat Local” advertising campaign to promote local establishments in her neighborhood to offer take-out. Her courage to adapt and connect her fellow entrepreneurs greatly helped everyone involved.

I started a new client partnership; she decided to connect her value of bringing joy to others with her next career decisions.

Courage of Change Collective: Community
Courage of Change Collective: Community


Another client organized shared childcare services with other families in her apartment complex. This allowed parents to focus on working remotely, while others could be present for all the children. Her courage instilled a new sense of belonging by bringing people together.

Courage of Change Collective: Compassion
Courage of Change Collective: Compassion


Through active listening, another client noticed a teammate was struggling because his leader was emotionally unavailable. As she leaned on her strength of empathy, she offered “en-courage-ment” to him so he felt understood and could move forward.

One client, a senior leader, felt exhausted and overwhelmed. She was tackling family health issues and the impacts of the world crises on her team and personal values. With more questions than answers, she felt helpless and alone. As we listened together, she wondered how to regain balance. She paused, recounted her core values and strengths, and sensed a mindset shift to rip off the mask of always performing. What if her best self was now, in gentle acceptance? She chose to control only what she can by living in the moment, committing to her yoga practice and forgiving herself and others. She discovered profound peace through self-compassion and invited a new truth from “I am what I do” to “I am who I am becoming.”

A senior leader chose self-compassion and to control what she can despite chaos. She asked, “what’s the next best thing I can do in this moment?” and realized self-compassion is not selfish.

Courage of Change Collective: Care of Self
Courage of Change Collective: Care of Self

Care of Self

Another client realized it was time to take care of himself instead of everyone else. First, we explored how he could create space and energy in his life based on his values. He paused his business, fasted from media and set health and family goals with courage and boldness. He has greater mind space for life and journals with gratitude. He has fostered a new family bond and self-care rituals. His support system is fueling his new habits as he re-enters his career.

Another client is in job transition and asking, “what would I do differently with no fear?” He’s stepping into fear through his value of self-care first.

Courage of Change Collective: Choose Mind and Heart
Courage of Change Collective: Choose Mind and Heart

Choose Mind & Heart

Another client shifted her mindset. She reframed how to virtually work and to control only what she can control for today. “DON’T KNOW, LET IT GO” is her mantra. We could hear her courage as she focused her mind and released worry in her heart.

Another client is in a relationship where his needs are unmet and thinks he isn’t good enough. I asked, “what has you going to the hardware store for milk” as people can be absent for us. He’s reclaiming his power of choice.

One other leader was anxious from team changes, family health concerns, a surprise re-organization and chaos in her business from world events. As we teamed together, she flipped her mindset and heart, using her strengths of resilience, motivation and influence. First, she committed to create space in non-stop meetings with naps, breaks, reflection and quiet time. Next, she re-winded her work stories and realized her negative self-talk. She refocused her mind and regained emotional energy at work and extended that learning to her home life too. She found courage and strength in vulnerability by choosing to honor her mind and heart.

At home, one mom is stressed by attending non-stop video calls for work while her children learn virtually. She can’t do her work and answer her children at the same time. Her Inner Critic says: “I’m not good enough.”
One new leader thinks she is living the Imposter Syndrome and doesn’t belong in her group. Her voice says, “I am not smart enough.”
Still another young professional is shy and fears that her quietness relays that she is not a team player and lives in FOPO (fear of other people’s opinions).

What’s changing? These clients are experimenting with small steps to align their heads and hearts. They are ENOUGH. They name the Saboteur that is in their heads. They reflect, “What if I accepted myself for who I am? What if there was no judgment by others or being wrong?” They practice self-compassion, and reframe their situation with positive thoughts. And, they trade their Inner Critic for freedom, new choices and joy.

Courage of Change Collective: Center Self - Be Present
Courage of Change Collective: Center Self - Be Present

Center Self – Be Present

A new client is juggling many priorities at work and home, and longs to intentionally slow down. In a mindful moment, he committed to be more present for his family. He drew inspiration from his six-year-old son, his superhero, who is courageous in change and takes life in stride. The client decided to live in the moment more often, like his son, and adopt his son’s truth: “I’m OK. It’s OK. I’m learning.”

Courage of Change Collective: Create
Courage of Change Collective: Create


Recently, a client lost his job, along with his confidence and courage. As we partnered together, he gained clarity from his Teacher and Creator Standout Roles and crafted a new job-hunting path. He’s interviewing for a role that matches those strengths with renewed energy, so he can be his best in his new career.

A senior leader is in a whirlwind of change. He’s creating space and asks, “what do I need to let go of and what permission do I need to give myself?”

Another senior leader listened to his intuition. Am I in the right role and playing it safe by staying where I am? Is there more to life? How do I build a life towards a broader network of relationships? He was stuck and in doubt. We partnered as he created his next story to live into his best. We explored his future self, natural strengths, and peak performance in his career; he gained clarity that he is a strategic innovation catalyst who unlocks the power and potential of people. He shifted his career goals to align to his authentic self and we created key career stories that formed his elevator pitch, interview strategy and networking. He gained confidence as he chose courage over comfort and created himself anew.

Courage of Change Collective: Celebrate
Courage of Change Collective: Celebrate


Over several months, another client discovered new truths about herself, her relationships and career through radical self-compassion. As she reflected in and between each session, she released needless fear towards action. She’s living to her strength of serving others by making masks for those in need. And, she will publish her story to help others on their journey of wholeness. She’s celebrating her new self as she affirms, “I see me. I am not my job.”