About Pamela

Pamela Kudlick, ACC, Founder, Cornerstone Coach LLC

Pamela Kudlick, PCC, CTC, CBC
Founder, Cornerstone Coach LLC

Welcome. Pamela is a strategic partner championing you to “Lead Stronger. Live Fuller.” ®  to lead and live your best life. She has partnered with people as a business leader for 30+ years, as a coach for 11 years and as a facilitator coach at USF where she mentors “Women in Tech.” She serves corporate leaders, aspiring leaders, executives and individuals to revitalize your standstill career or master overwhelming leadership outcomes or unlock your energy to live with intention, clarity, confidence and courage.

She founded Cornerstone Coach LLC and offers coaching in leadership, team excellence, transitions/transformation, life plan, influence, mental/emotional fitness, executive presence, innovation and collaboration in multi partnerships. She’s a Professional Certified Coach through ICF and a certified Transformation, Strengths, Emotional Intelligence (EQi), and High-Performance Patterns (HPP) coach. Pamela also leads the Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness program.

Pamela transformed into a coach because of her curiosity and fear in great chaos as a senior leader. With that, her passion is to unlock her clients’ uniqueness and dreams.

She has 30 years of global (America’s, EMEA, APJC) experience and held leader roles in Supply Chain, Engineering, Strategy and Planning, Marketing, Sales, Operations, Mergers and Acquisitions, HR and R&D in high technology, software, hotels and healthcare.

As a senior leader at HP, she led organizations up to $20B and improved team synergy to reduce $200M in costs.  She formed sales operations of a $500M software startup and led a $3B global channel for significant topline growth/profits and turnaround. At Cisco, she designed and executed sales-boosting strategies of $300M+ (pioneered a sales playbook) and steered the GTM in 10 Acquisitions using robust leader coaching.   She offers 20+ years as a senior Go-To-Market (GTM) leader in multi-partner Sales, Sales Operations, Business Development, M&A Sales, and Strategy and Planning. Prior to her 22 years in High Technology, she pioneered quality systems and managed Omni and Four Seasons hotels.

So that others may “Live Fuller”,  she contributes 10% of Cornerstone Coach LLC’s business to River City Food Bank.

Partner with Coach Pamela

I understand your business- FAST.

30 years in business across multiple companies and industries allows me to quickly understand your environment and challenges. As a strategic business partner, I create curiosity and clear insights as you set direction and activate excellence through yourself, key partnerships and teams.

I’ve navigated disruption and change.

Change is endless. I have personally steered through startups, business and people integrations, significant growth and turnaround in varied roles. I bring an open mindset and tools to help you uncover your desired career goals and future career shifts.

I live my truth.

I stand on the belief that understanding yourself is the first and most important step to personal and professional growth. Over my career, I have found that deep reflection, and unlearning and re-learning are foundations to renewed energy and improved relationships. I offer unique views, tools and deep listening to help you draw on your own unique strengths, ideas, and goals to live fully.

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River City Food Bank, Sacramento, CA

Cornerstone Coach LLC contributes 10% to River City Food Bank, Sacramento, CA.